Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Supporting Children with Disabilities and Early Childhood Development Through Independent Learning Online Tutorial for Parents During COVID-19 Situation

14 Dec 2020

Supporting Children with Disabilities and Early Childhood Development Through Independent Learning Online Tutorial for Parents During COVID-19 Situation

Project leader: Mrs. Ranie Ayu Hapsari

Level of education and university: Non Degree, The University of Sydney

Collaborating Organisations: Fathayat Nahdlatul Ulama

Project Location: DI Yogyakarta

Activity Type: Capacity building

Sector: Disability Services

Project Rationale:

PRY has a development learning group program for children with cerebral palsy. Their ages are 3 - 9 years. They are taught about sensory, motor, cognition, affection, and communication development. However, since March 2020, these learning activities have stopped due to COVID-19. Then PRY taught through WhatsApp messages to parents. As a result, parents have difficulty teaching because they do not have references for creative and attractive learning methods. Parents force children to learn with methods that are difficult for them to understand and some children refuse to study and some cry. Through this project PRY will develop a creative and attractive learning method for growth and development through videos by utilising the tools and materials that are easily available to them.

Project Beneficiaries:

18 parents of the 18 PRY study group participants.

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Link with Australian organisation:

Plum Tree Organisation

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