Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Enhancement Competence of Young Learners Educators and Parents to Improve Integrative Holistic Services toward Children

25 Aug 2020

Enhancement Competence of Young Learners Educators and Parents to Improve Integrative Holistic Services toward Children

Project leader: Ms. Heny Solekhah

Level of education and university: Master, Flinders University

Collaborating Organisations: HIMPAUDI and Gabungan Organisasi Wanita Kendal

Project Location: Jawa Tengah

Activity Type: Training, workshop or seminar

Sector: Education and Training

Project Rationale:

Kendal is located on the northern coastline of Java with agricultural areas comprising around 46 percent of its land. Of the total population of 952,966 people, 11.10 percent or 106.070 people live in poverty. To obtain a higher wage, many parents, especially women, work abroad as migrant workers, leaving their children with their grandparents or other relatives. Kendal is the regency with the highest number of Indonesian migrant workers, or Tenaga Kerja Indonesia, in Central Java with 11,216 migrant workers in 2014.

It is reported that the absence of parents becomes a problem for the young children, especially in regard to their education, health, and protection. Around 1000 children suffer from stunting. The number of child victims of violence is also increasing. Therefore, early childhood education is vitally important, but also education to spread knowledge to the parents about the importance of nutrition and safety.

Project Beneficiaries:

130 early childhood teachers, 10 women activists, and 20 parents

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Link with Australian organisation: -

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