Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

The Australian National University (ANU) and The University of Queensland

18 April 2019

Study of the influence of coastal geomorphology, hydrodynamic regimes and seasons on the distribution and abundance of marine debris on the coast of the kei islands, Indonesia

Project Leader: Eugenius Alfred Renjaan

University of Origin: Fellowship

Collaborating Organisations: -

Project Locations : This research will be conducted on 6 coastal locations, which represent different coastal geomorphological forms, different hydrodynamic regimes and different seasons in the kei islands   

Activity Type : Academic research and research-related activities   

Sector : Natural Resource Management; Aquaculture/fisheries

Project Rationale:

This project is important to be proposed because the local community and government of the Kei Islands rely heavily on coastal ecosystems and beaches as the main pillar of the economy today and in the future, especially in the form of natural and coastal tourism and aquaculture activities. While there is a tendency to increase the amount of debris in accordance with the increase in population, number of tourists visits and lifestyle of the community. Most of the marine debris consists of plastic, rubber, glass and cans. However, there is a tendency for distribution and accumulation of debris to occur on sandy beaches that overlap with tourist sites, besides the amount of debris stranded or piled up in a certain location according to geography, coastal geomorphology and different seasonal conditions and hydrodynamic regime. Thus, this study needs to be proposed to obtain authentic data about the distribution and amount of debris based on the beach geomorphology, hydrodynamic regime, number of population, number of tourists and tropical monsoons. The results of this research are expected to be used as a reference for efforts to develop the beach, especially for tourism development that is environmentally friendly and free of plastic waste.

Project Description:

This research project will be carried out with the aim of answering a number of basic questions such as, what is the amount of debris increment over time in the coastal areas of this islands? What types of marine debries are there? Where did the debris come from? Where did the debries accumulate? And on what beach geomorphology? How is the distribution chain of debries, especially plastic debris? What is the current waste management in the Kei Islands? Are there local government regulations or local communities regulation about handling marine debris? Is there any local wisdom that can be implemented to reduce marine debries? What is the level of knowledge and views of the community and local government about the impact of debris, especially plastic waste, related to the future of tourism in these islands? To answer all the questions above, this has motivated the proposed research project.

Project Beneficiaries:

Community and local government of the Kei Islands

Priority Development Area:

An inclusive society through effective governance      

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