Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

11 April 2017

KAMU BISA: A Child's Right To Play - Providing Disadvantaged Children the Opportunity to Experience Sports Play

Project Leader: Ardi Putra Baramuli

University: The University of Sydney

Lead Organisation: Bersama Indonesia Satu (BISA) Foundation

Collaborating Organisations: Disability Sports Australia

Project Locations : DKI Jakarta & Geographic Focus Areas  

Activity Type :  Community Development Activities & Training     

Sector : Education

Project Objectives:

  • To promote Indonesia-Australia relationship in the sports field and the wider community
  • To facilitate a 9-month football sports program for disadvantaged Indonesian children
  • To ensure a minimum of 250 children participate including female and disabled children
  • To facilitate subject matter expert 'train the trainer' workshops for a minimum of 50 youth coaches and disabled youth coaches including GFA participants
  • To build on project teams’ previous experience coordinating similarly themed social responsibility events into a sustainable ongoing program 

Project Description:

This project provides the right to play for disadvantaged children in Indonesia by removing the main impediments to their participation. It has two components: (1) Football Sport Program – This 9-month football sports program for 250 disadvantaged Indonesian children. It includes gender diversity and disability access initiatives such as female and disabled children teams and competitions. (2) Youth Coaching & Youth Disability Coaching Program – These are 'train the trainer' workshops for 50 youth coaches and disabled youth coaches to develop coaching skills. It includes participants from AAI’s geographic focus areas. By providing disadvantaged children the opportunity to experience playing sports, the project promotes self-confidence, goal setting, perseverance, team work, leadership, communications, social skills and health. By providing training workshops for coaches, the project equips educators and trainers with tools and methods to effectively facilitate sport activities for children in their home provinces. By collaborating with DSA, the project equips disability educators and trainers with tools and methods to effectively facilitate sports activities for children with disabilities.

Project Beneficiaries:

  • 250 girls and boys with disabilities
  • 50 youth coaches and disabled youth coaches from geographic focus areas

Priority Development Area: Human development for a productive and healthy society            

Social Inclusion Priorities : Disability, Youth, Gender

Links with Australia:

The proponents are Australian organisations that have worked together in Indonesia. DSA has already provided advice and guidance on best practices in ethics and child protection in sports.

Relevant Facts:

UNICEF estimates that over 8.4 million Indonesian children are poor and living on less than 1 US dollar a day. In the metropolitan areas, marginalized children are highly susceptible to become street children, child laborers or worse, involved in petty crime and substance abuse. The Indonesian Ministry of Health estimates there are 367,520 disabled children in Indonesia.

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