Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

Australia Awards Scholarships Information Sessions for Prospective Applicants from the Geographic Focus Areas

07 Februari 2022

Australia Awards Scholarships Information Sessions for Prospective Applicants from the Geographic Focus Areas

Are you keen on continuing your education to a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Australia with an Australia Awards Scholarship? Join the Information Sessions for prospective applicants from the Geographic Focus Areas (Aceh, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Papua, Papua Barat, Maluku, and Maluku Utara). The sessions will provide detailed information about the scheme, requirements, and how to apply for the Australia Awards Scholarships that are currently open until 29 April 2022.

The information sessions are free of charge and will be held via Zoom with details below. Please select the date that suits you the best.



Zoom ID


16 February

2.00 PM WIB

852 6741 5736


19 February

2.00 PM WIB

820 4124 7432


21 February

2.00 PM WIB

895 0701 0294


23 February

2.00 PM WIB

829 2070 5346


26 February

9.00 AM WIB

878 7617 5291


2 March

2.00 PM WIB

846 1421 2523


5 March

2.00 PM WIB

833 2579 4521



No registration is required. For more information, please check this flyer or contact us at

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