Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

08 Mei 2018

Batik Girl Workshop and Roadshow: Empowering Women in Bali and Batam Prison for Drug Offences

Project Leader: Lusia Efriani

University: Muslim Exchange Program (MEP)

Collaborating Organisations: Consulate of The Republic of Indonesia, Darwin NT and Bayside Community Care 

Project Location: Denpasar, Bali           

Activity Type : Community development activities             

Sector :  Communicable disease prevention

Project Objective :

  • To help women prisoners, especially drug offenders, have a positive activity in prison to help them reduce stress, heal trauma and gain practical knowledge on how to handle negative emotions in order to live to one's highest potential and contribute to society in a positive way;
  • To establish a bridge between Indonesian and Australian through social, art and economy sector;
  • To give them a life skill through making Batik Girl dolls dresses; and
  • To prepare them so when they return to the community they have self-esteem and confidence.

Project Description:

The first part of the program is the Batik Girl Workshop in Bali Prison, a three-day training workshop in making Batik Girl dresses for women prisoners, targeting production of 500 dolls and scaling up the production to 1000 dolls.

The Batik Girl Roadshow in Melbourne and Darwin will promote the social mission of Batik Girl in Australian communities in Melbourne and Darwin by February 2018.

Project Beneficiaries:

  • Batik Girl Workshop: 40 women prisoners for drug offenders
  • Batik Girl Roadshow in Melbourne: 50 people and 10 communities/organisations
  • Batik Girl Roadshow in Darwin: 50 people and 10 communities/organisations

Priority Development Area:

Human development for a productive and healthy society

Links with Australia:

Bayside Community Care

Relevant Facts:

The law permits accused drug users to be sentenced to rehabilitation instead of prison time. Article 128 of Indonesian Law No. 35/2009 allows underage users (those under 17 years of age) to be sentenced to rehabilitation instead.

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