Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

11 April 2017

Sexual Reproductive Health Peer Educators for Adolescents in East Nusa Tenggara

Project Leader: Sandra Frans

University: The University of Melbourne

Lead Organisation :  Collaborating Organisations: Komisi Penanggulangan Aids (KPA) NTT

Project Location : Nusa Tenggrara Timur (NTT)  

Activity Type : Capacity building, mentoring or coaching

Sector: Public Health

Project Objectives :

  • To provide comprehensive school-based sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education to students and their teachers
  • To increase the awareness of young people of issues related to sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases
  • To reduce the incidence of sexually-transmitted diseases, adolescent pregnancy, and unsafe abortions among young people in NTT

Project Description :

This project will use a peer group approach to increasing access to sexual and reproductive health education. It will collect baseline data about students’ knowledge, attitude and perception of SRH through surveys and research. It will create an SRH module guideline that can be used by students and teachers. It will deliver faciliator training for facilitators to refresh their knowledge and build a common vision. Then the project will SRH peer educator training in three secondary schools. The project will run an SRH poster competition as capacity building for creativity and as a way to evaluate whether the students are getting the message. Finally the project will run a ‘You ask, We answer’ program, which is a monthly visit to the schools and counselling and education about sexuality and other related health issues.

Project Beneficiaries :

The direct beneficiaries are 150 adolescent students, as well as teachers and peer educators. The project will target 50% girl participants. Indirect beneficiaries include families and communities.

Priority Development Area : Human development for a productive and healthy society               

Social Inclusion Priorities : Gender, Youth

Relevant Facts :

Indonesia has experienced a noticeable decline in rates of early marriage among women since the 1990s. Young people in Indonesia are now more sexually active outside of marriage. About 2 million unsafe abortions happen silently in Indonesia each year.

Most secondary schools in NTT do not include sexual and reproductive health education in their curriculum.

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