Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

11 April 2017

Nutrition Training for Mothers of Children at Risk of Malnutrition on Gangga Island

Project Leader: Laurensi Sasube

University: The University of Queensland
Lead Organisation: De La Salle Catholic University
Collaborating Organisations: Health Department of North Sulawesi
Project Location : Sulawesi Utara
Activity Type : Capacity building, mentoring or coaching
Sector : Maternal and Child Health
Project Objectives:

  • To deliver a nutrition training course for mothers with children and teenagers who are at risk of malnutrition on Gangga Island

  • To increase knowledge and skills of mothers and their children about nutrition, nutritious food, nutritious processing methods, and a healthy diet for children

Project Description: Children with malnutrition and at risk of malnutrition is an issue for the community on Gangga Island. This project provides nutrition training to mothers with children and teenagers suffering from malnutrition or at risk of malnutrition to improve their knowledge and skills in preparing healthy meals, improving the diet and behaviour for healthy eating, improving the nutrition status, and decreasing the malnutrition and stunting condition of children. Teenagers will also take the training. With more understanding of nutrition, nutritious food, nutritious processing methods, and a healthy diet for children, they will eat healthier meals. The project team will continue to monitor the results of the training to see the extent to which it has reduces malnutrition and stunting in Gangga Island.

Project Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries include women, teenagers and children who receive nutrition training. Indirect beneficiaries include the Puskesmas, Posyandu, Health Department and Indonesia in general.

Priority Development Area : Human development for a productive and healthy society            

Social Inclusion Priorities: Gender, Youth

Links with Australia: De La Salle Catholic University has linkages with Australian universities that could continue beyond the AGS project by keeping in contact with Australian experts; exchanging lecturers and staff; participating in workshops and training; and establishing a Malnutrition study centre.

Relevant Facts: According to WHO, malnutrition contributes to more than one-third of all child deaths in Indonesia. Government sources estimate that almost 30% of Indonesian children have stunting condition, while almost 19% of Indonesian babies less than 9 months old suffer from malnutrition.

Gangga is a small island in North Sulawesi. It takes one hour by boat to get there from North Minahasa. The main occupation of local people is fishing. Children with malnutrition and at risk of malnutrition is an issue for the community on Gangga Island.

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