Australia Awards in Indonesia

The Australia Awards are prestigious, transformational scholarships and short courses offered to emerging leaders for study, research and professional development in Australia

22 Maret 2017

Professional Linkages Workshop – February 2017 Sydney

AAI students participate in an interactive activity at the Professional Linkages Workshop Sydney in February 2017

Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI) students participated in a workshop held on 4 February in Surry Hills, Sydney, designed to enhance their ability to make professional linkages while in Australia.  Facilitated by The Frank Team, a Sydney-based company specializing in training and education for young people and professionals, the workshop was participated in by Semester 1, 2017 commencing students from The University of Sydney, Macquarie University, UNSW and the University of Wollongong.   Activities at the workshop included perfecting the 30 second elevator pitch by the use of video recordings, role playing personal introductions in a networking scenario, and a review of the importance of LinkedIn as an effective tool for promoting skills and experience.  A representative from The Centre for Volunteering NSW also spoke of opportunities for AAI students including ongoing volunteer positions and one-off volunteering for events.  Comments such as ‘the tips and trick on how to make connections to any people, especially with the elevator speech are great’ was typical of the enthusiasm in which this event was met.

The Professional Linkages Workshop was delivered as part of AAI On-Award Enrichment activities.  For more information refer to the Australia Awards in Indonesia website

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